Friday, July 1, 2011

Top Things to Donate to Animal Shelters

Animal shelters all over the country tend to stay at full capacity. Most are running on a limited budget, and rely heavily on donations. One visit to a shelter, and you can't help but want to help. Some things shelters need are obvious, some are not. Helping may not be as hard as you think.

First few suggestions:
  1. Towels
  2. Old blankets
  3. Food
  4. Treats
  5. Placemats
  6. Cash
  7. Toys
  8. Litter
  9. Laundry detergent
  10. Grooming items
  11. Cat or dog beds
  12. Leashes and collars
  13. Newspaper
  14. Food dishes
  15. Time
  16. Things that aren't listed here
Click here to read more and why theses are needed. You may have more ideas you can share with us!