Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Does your cat have allergies?

What Are Allergies?
When a cat has allergies, her immune system is overly sensitive to certain everyday substances and begins to identify them as dangerous. Even though these substances—or allergens—are usually common in most environments and harmless to most animals, a cat with allergies will have an extreme reaction to them. As her body tries to rid itself of these substances, she may show a variety of symptoms.

What Are the General Symptoms of Allergies in Cats?
Sneezing, coughing (if the cat has asthma), wheezing
Itchy skin/increased scratching
Itchy, runny eyes
Itchy back or base of tail (most commonly seen in flea allergies)
Itchy ears and ear infections
Snoring caused by an inflamed throat
Paw chewing/swollen paws

Can Cats Be Allergic to Food?

>> Click here to read more