Friday, April 15, 2011

Solutions for a biting cat

Playfully biting inanimate objects can be innocuous, but what about when your cat bites you?

Q: Our 13-year-old indoor/outdoor cat is very affectionate, yet for seemingly no reason, sometimes circles our feet and legs, sounds aggressive, then bites us savagely. How do we address this? -- R.T., Toccoa, GA

A: "Notice your cat's body language, and simply find a way to separate yourself from the cat before the attack," says cat behavior consultant Pam Johnson-Bennett, author of "Starting from Scratch: How to Correct Behavior Problems in Your Adult Cat" (Penguin Books, New York, NY, 2007: $15). "And don't run away; that will only cause your cat to chase, maybe thinking it's a game. It's important to play (with your cat) daily using an interactive toy, teaching him to chase and pounce on it -- and not you."

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