Sunday, November 21, 2010

You Know You’re a Cat Lover When...

You Know You’re a Cat Lover When …

How can you tell if you are a cat enthusiast?
Below are 311 ways to tell if you’re truly a cat lover.

1. You have more pictures of your cats than of your significant other.
2. You think no outfit is complete without clumps of cat hair.
3. Your cat has a special seat in the house where no one else is allowed to sit.
4. You check your cats' blogs before your own email.
5. You only eat fish and chicken shaped nuggets.
6. You don't have to ask what "mol" stands for.
7. Other cat people know you are purring and not humming.
8. Stepping on something small and furry in the middle of the night no longer scares you.
9. You open the pantry and you have an entire shelf dedicated to canned and dry cat food, treats, toothbrush & paste, grooming items, catnip and new toys.
10. Your cat has her own stroller and tells you when she wants to go strolling.
11. You have more cat toys than any other thing.

Click here to read more