Friday, November 5, 2010

World Series of Cats : Ken White : City Brights

World Series of Cats

Ken White, President, Pen

Anyone who knows me will tell you that my blogging about sports is about as likely as finding a critique of modern poetry penned by Vlad the Impaler. I have close to zero interest in or knowledge about sports, which of course makes me feel sort of lonely during these especially sports-crazed weeks here in the Bay Area. Not that I am dissing the baseball obsession that surrounds us: as far as I am concerned, a healthy obsession is a good way to cope with the vagaries and chaos of our lives, and I am rather happily obsessed about several things (animals among the list), it's just that sports don't make it for me. Perhaps this is the result of being that 12 year old klutzy, bespectacled, Kafka-reading, Beethoven-sonata-playing kid who routinely got beaten up by the athletic boys in my neighborhood, who knows.

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