Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5.4% of Cat Owners...

Earlier this month, I posted a one-question survey that asked if you keep your cat inside or let your cat outside. I had 389 cat owners who responded and here are the results:

60.4% said they keep their cats inside 100 percent of the time
17.5% said their cats go outside supervised (on the deck or in the garden)
5.4% indicated that they put their cat on a harness or leash for outdoor time
8.5% let their cats out for short periods of time but make sure the cat always comes back
4.4% have a cat door to give their cat the freedom of choice (in or out)
3.9% let their cat out with no worries at all

Most of the comments indicated that you changed your behavior and brought your cats inside 100 percent (or allowed your cats outside under supervision) after something devastating happened such as a coyote attack, flea infestation, or the cat getting lost.
